Advance Humanity is a social movement dedicated to helping people change themselves and change world, and I believe the best way to change the world is by first changing ourselves. Like Gandhi said, "Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves." When we live out our dreams and achieve inner peace within ourselves, it is much easier to help others and achieve world peace.
Advance Humanity features two articles a week on inspirational people and organizations, helpful resources and awesome projects that are happening around the world. We also feature outstanding friends who are part of our movement to change ourselves and change the world. If you'd like to follow along, please sign up for email/feed updates anytime. This website represents the first version of Advance Humanity, which has been hosted on Blogger, but we now have a new and improved version which you can see at Come on over!
My name is Travis Hellstrom and I am organizing Advance Humanity as a movement because I believe great leaders of the past were right – our greatest life and happiness are found in service to others. I believe we can all change ourselves and change the world in countless ways, but right now I am working as a writer, a lifelong learner and an aspiring humanitarian. I write to share world changing ideas with a community of the most incredible people I have ever met - our small army of everyday humanitarians.
I just finished serving for three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer and a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader in Mongolia from 2008 to 2011. Prior to that I graduated college with a degree in Pre-Med/Biology. In Mongolia I worked for two years with local hospitals and clinics in the eastern steppe of Mongolia to help doctors, nurses and our friends to improve the overall health in our community, and then I worked with the World Health Organization in the capital city of Mongolia. Peace Corps has changed my life forever and exceeded my expectations in every way. I have learned more in the last three years than at any other time in my life.
I have loved the idea of service since I was on the safety patrol back in fifth grade. I probably haven't changed a lot since then honestly: Safety Patrol, Boy Scouts, Peace Corps, United Nations... I love building outdoor classrooms, earning merit badges, writing books, building sports complexes and helping friends create projects and achieve their dreams. I need very little to be happy, a grilled cheese here and there does the trick, and it is an honor to be able to help others whenever I can.
Advance Humanity features two articles a week on inspirational people and organizations, helpful resources and awesome projects that are happening around the world. We also feature outstanding friends who are part of our movement to change ourselves and change the world. If you'd like to follow along, please sign up for email/feed updates anytime. This website represents the first version of Advance Humanity, which has been hosted on Blogger, but we now have a new and improved version which you can see at Come on over!
I just finished serving for three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer and a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader in Mongolia from 2008 to 2011. Prior to that I graduated college with a degree in Pre-Med/Biology. In Mongolia I worked for two years with local hospitals and clinics in the eastern steppe of Mongolia to help doctors, nurses and our friends to improve the overall health in our community, and then I worked with the World Health Organization in the capital city of Mongolia. Peace Corps has changed my life forever and exceeded my expectations in every way. I have learned more in the last three years than at any other time in my life.
I have loved the idea of service since I was on the safety patrol back in fifth grade. I probably haven't changed a lot since then honestly: Safety Patrol, Boy Scouts, Peace Corps, United Nations... I love building outdoor classrooms, earning merit badges, writing books, building sports complexes and helping friends create projects and achieve their dreams. I need very little to be happy, a grilled cheese here and there does the trick, and it is an honor to be able to help others whenever I can.
I write because I love writing and I love sharing. Sometimes this turns into scribbles on a page and so far into one paperback book. It's something I can do all the time and I really enjoy it. If you want to read more of what I write, you are in the right place. Keep checking back here to see the latest projects and ideas, or subscribe to never miss a post or monthly update. My first book, The Unofficial Peace Corps Volunteer Handbook, is currently available on
I write because I love writing and I love sharing. Sometimes this turns into scribbles on a page and so far into one paperback book. It's something I can do all the time and I really enjoy it. If you want to read more of what I write, you are in the right place. Keep checking back here to see the latest projects and ideas, or subscribe to never miss a post or monthly update. My first book, The Unofficial Peace Corps Volunteer Handbook, is currently available on